This skill allows the character to double the numerical effect of either: twice the damage, twice the size, or twice the effect of any spell. This does not change the cost in Power Points of the spell.
For example, a Double Power Dragon’s Breath spell would do 64 points of magical fire damage and cost 8 Power Points. This skill can only be used with a spell cast by the character and not when invoked from an item or read from a scroll.
For the spell to be doubled, it must involve a numeric quantity. For example: Double Power Armor spell grants 6 points of armor, Double Power Fortitude spell has an 8 Threshold, Double Power Blast spell would destroy a door twice as large, a Double Power Wall of Force spell would be 20 feet by 20 feet, a Double Power Lock spell would require a Strength Bonus of +6, etc.
This skill does not increase the duration or number of uses of a spell. The use of this skill is indicated by prefixing the spell verbal by “Double Power…”
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